
PhotoRaw for iOS is a iPad and iPhone viewer and developer for image files in raw format. Raw file formats from most camera manufacturers are supported, for example Nikon NEF files, Canon CR2 files, Leica DNG files, etc. PhotoRaw supports most cameras from major manufacturers; a full list is available on the support site.
View raw images at full 1:1 pixel resolution
Most images viewers for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch are only able to display low resolution previews of raw images. PhotoRaw also exports at full resolution to JPEG and TIFF.
Unlimted image size
PhotoRaw implements virtual memory. You won't run out of memory, even with very large images. PhotoRaw will reliably import 65 MPixel+ images, even on an iPad 1 with lots of other apps running in the background.
Multithreaded 64-bit processing
PhotoRaw is a full 64-bit app, with an advanced desktop-class image processing engine that multithreaded for blazing fast performance.
Full range of real-time image adjustments
PhotoRaw has a full range of image adjustments, including color temprature. etc. Image adjustments such as exposure, contrast, etc happen instantly, as you move the slider - no waiting 20 seconds for the image to be redisplayed.
Accurate, calibrated color workflow
Color not the way the remember seeing it? Tired of "content aware processing" and "hue twists" taking decisions away from you? Want your starting point to be what the camera saw, not "enhanced colors"? PhotoRaw has a 100% accurate color workflow end to end.
Reads EXIF and GPS information
You can look at key EXIF and GPS data in PhotoRaw's built-in viewer. And, of course, EXIF and GPS data is transferred to the JPEGs and TIFFs that you create, including Copyright information - critical to working Pros.
System Requirements
Raw conversion requires very substantial amounts of processing power and memory. We strongly recommend the following minimum system specifications:
- iOS 5.1.1 or later
- iPad or iPhone 4 or latest generation iPod Touch
- In order to use the Apple Camera Connection Kit, you camera must be on Apple's supported cameras list